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NHPCO Podcast

Dec 15, 2020

The importance of self-care and burnout has long been prominent in our field but this year has put more of an emphasis on it than ever before. Jon R. sits down with Carla Cheatham of the Carla Cheatham Consulting Group, LLC, and NHPCO COO, Ben Marcantonio to discuss concrete takeaways for leaders to manage their teams...

Dec 1, 2020

Providing quality care has never been more important, and it is quickly becoming a necessity for your business operations. After two years of consulting with national experts and examining member needs, NHPCO is launching the Quality Connections program in January 2021. We have developed this program to help...

Nov 17, 2020

Our post election episode from 2016 has been one of our most popular and we are excited to bring you this discussion to mark our 100th episode. Jon R. sits down with NHPCO's Director of Legislative Affairs, Mark Slobodien and Andrew Woods, Chairman of the Liberty Partners Group. Hear a discussion on what we know now and...

Nov 4, 2020

Quality reporting changes are coming and will be effective January 1, 2021. Jon R. sits down with Jennifer Kennedy and Judi Lund Person to discuss these changes, a couple head scratchers included and what providers need to know and can be doing now.

Oct 27, 2020

This episode, originally aired in March 2018 has withstood the test of time. November is National Hospice Month and the perfect time to revisit this conversation. Starting with a reminder of the federal Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990, Judi, Jennifer and Jon talk about the importance of advance care planning....